Green Kill 2020 November Art Exhibition
The November Art Exhibition, “A Season in Hell" is curated by Gary Mayer and features four artists Deirdre Day, David Fox, Stephen Lewis, and Gary Mayer, an opens on September 7, 5-7 PM.

Painting by David Fox
The November Art Exhibition, “A Season in Hell,” curated by Gary Mayer with a special bathroom exhibition, “The Inferno,” features four artists Deirdre Day, David Fox, Stephen Lewis, and Gary Mayer, and opens on September 7, 5-7 PM, and will be on display from Saturday November 7 to Saturday, November 28, 2020.
New Normal health concerns are a primary. The customary Green Kill opening of beverages with finger foods will be covered for protection. If you wish to come on opening day, please understand that 10 people are permitted in the gallery at one time, that all attendees must were face masks, and we will us a “Non-Contact Infrared Digital Thermometer” and “Pulse Oximeter Blood Oxygen Level Monitor” for screening. There were be outside seating for your convenience. Green Kill is equipped with a heat pump so the air is constantly refreshed and the space is, as always, sanitized.

David Fox

David Fox, “The Opportunists, Dante’s inferno,” Etching ink on canvas, 96” x 54”
I began to make a series of drawings based on the Inferno by Dante during the Iraq conflict. I saw parallels between the Dante’s condemnation of his contemporaries and the situation at that time. I moved between traditional depictions of Hell and the monsters who occupy it and images that relate to war and its hellish conditions.
As an Irish Catholic I was brought up with visions of Hell as the ultimate punishment for a profligate life. In many ways it still lives with me even though I am no longer a practicing Catholic.
Stephen Lewis

Steven Lewis, “untitled.”
Stephen Lewis is a painter and printmaker who is work is primarily concerned with art of observation of both the sociopolitical and natural world. In that sense, his work is unique in that it inhabits two distinct genres; naturalism and political art, but the artist sees his practice as incorporating the same principals in the creation of both bodies of work -they are tied together by the artists unique ability to articulate realities that only become obvious thru monastic observation and study.
“The message that American pop culture is polluting the world isn’t anything new. But, Lewis sends it in such an over the top manner that the viewer gets pulled into the imagery. How a person who looks as serene and contemplative as Lewis does in his self-portrait can channel so much anger into his paintings is anyone’s guess. But it isn’t just the anger that makes his work compelling it’s the skill with which he translates it into art”
Ferdinand postman, the Washington post
While in Washington, dc he was one of the co-directors of signal66 a 3000 sq. ft. gallery and exhibition space that was widely accepted as the dominate gallery in the city during its tenure.
His work has been reviewed or featured in diverse publications including; the Washington post, art news, timeout, high times, casa vogue, and the New Yorker.
He currently resides in Port Ewen NY with his wife and daughter and is the co-publisher of the art / satirical print newspaper” The Quiet American”. He currently records under the moniker “the royal wylds” and is attempting to re invigorate plein aire painting in a way that doesn’t suck.
The Inferno

Gary Mayer, “The Inferno,” a work still in progress towards completion.
Artist Gary Mayer has converted Green Kill’s bathroom into “The Inferno.” It’s the world’s first hell with a bidet. The nine circles of Dante’s Inferno run up the wall from bottom to top. It includes a audio component, featuring Tele.S.Therion’s “Luzifers Abschied.”
Gary Mayer

Gary Mayer, “ Samsara” 2020, Acrylic on canvas.
We’ve all experienced seasons on Hell in 2020. The bathroom I created at a GreenKill is an expression based on Dante’s Inferno. The large painting is a less specific more abstract expression of Hell called Samsara or suffering all 4 panels are filled with overwhelming suffocating experience made into somewaht abstract patterns? May our suffering subside at least a bit and leave room fir some moments of frivolity.