Photo: Lynne Stone
Welcome to the new home for all things Green Kill. Here you will be updated regarding Green Kill exhibition, performance, literary, and film events and learn more about the artists involved in their hown words.
Green Kill has a unique, artist driven, peer-to-peer approach to growth. Peer-to-peer is the voluntary willingness of artists to refer and recommend other artists to participate in Green Kill. The reward for the Green Kill community and each participating artist is the growth of Green Kill’s reputation as a destination for diverse, quality art. is your one stop to get informed, to view the Green Kill Broadside, to buy tickets for Green Kill events and to make donations.
Green Kill relys on public support. The artists hope they can count on you to be their patrion. Green Kill is fiscally sponsored by Fractured Atlas who ensures that our educational base programs abide by 503c3 regulations. Fractured Alas oversees all donated funds and disbursements.
Credit Card Donations
Fractured Atlas Credit Card Donation Link
Check Donations
If you prefer, you can also donate by check. Please send contributions to Green Kill, 229 Green Kill Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401. Note: Checks should be made payable to Fractured Atlas, with Green Kill in the memo line. Green Kill is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non‐profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Green Kill must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” and are tax‐deductible to the extent permitted by law. You will receive a receipt from Fractured Atlas.