Hudson Valley Chamber Musicians, June 11, 8 PM, Livestream/Live Audience
The Hudson Valley Chamber Musicans will peform on Saturday, June 11 at 8 PM.
The Hudson Valley Chamber Musicans event has been postponed.
Hudson Valley Chamber Musicians
A few months into COVID over 2 years ago, musicians finally realized that it would be a long time before in-person concerts, where audiences and performers could interact, would be possible. Over the next few months, our ensemble, Hudson Valley Chamber Musicians, came into being, overcoming the distances between us. Three of us live in the Hudson Valley, one in New Jersey and one in Roslyn, NY. Rhinebeck offered us outdoor, SD space for rehearsals and lawn concerts. The space in summer was great, beautiful, but it got chilly and then cold by the fall. We gave two outdoor concerts in Rhinebeck in the fall and the audience response made every minute of rehearsing outdoors with hats and scarves worth it. Audiences were so happy to hear live music again.
In the winter, Sloop Brewery in East Fishkill allowed us to rehearse in their large brewery as they have a safe, certified air filtration system for COVID. So we all traveled to Sloop and rehearsed our classical music in this brewery. Thank you Sloop, Adam Watson and Justin Taylor.
Once we were all double vaccinated, we were somewhat back to a new normal and now have performances planned for this spring, summer and fall season. We are looking forward to playing at many varied venues this season. It takes a village in these times…….
“Music…..can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable”.
Leonard Bernstein