Green Kill has hosted 165 performance and exhibit events so far in 2024. You can check out many of these events and learn about the artists who’ve exhibited by visiting Green Kill Sessions on YouTube.
Green Kill is run entirely by volunteers. There are no salaries.
Unfortunately, the cost of these events and the realities of the post-Covid world have made it tough to stay afloat. We need to cover taxes, supplies, and utilities.
Support Green kill by Subscription
We’re so grateful to everyone who comes to events and to those who subscribe:
80% of ticket sales go to the performers.
If you can afford a $10 subscription, which you can cancel after a month, you’ll have access to all the event pages, including the full livestreams. Your generosity will help us get through this tough time.
Support Green Kill by Donation
Green Kill is 100 percent volunteer run.
The money generated through subscriptions, donations and ticket sales pays performers and the sound engineer and operation costs of the facility.
A single donation of five dollars from all subscribers helps immensely to insure Green Kill will be able to continue supporting artists.
Thank you for your attention to this outreach.
Sincerely, thank you.