Green Kill Live Streaming Open Mic for Poets and Writers
Calling all poets to live stream at Green Kill.

Cheryl A. Rice live streaming at Green Kill
Green Kill is now offering Live Streaming Open Mic for Poets and Writers.
The new normal protocols will be followed including screening of performers, regular disinfecting, disinfecting of microphones, temperature check, mask requirement, social distancing, and a limit of individuals in the facility.
Live streams will be one hour long. A maximum of five poets are scheduled for any one night, permitting each poet to read for a mix of 12 minutes. If a night is booked, poets may schedule for the available open mic.
Live streams are broadcast on Youtube. And a copy of the live stream is available for free. A memory stick or link to online file sharing site is required to obtain the file .
If you wish to know more about Green Kill Live Streaming, please visit here.
Green Kill dates for Live Streaming Open Mic for Poets and Writers:
Thursday September 24, 2020, 8-9 PM: Pending
Thursday October 15, 2020, 8-9 PM: Ron Withers, Mike Jurkovic, Bruce Weber, Tom Romeo.
Thursday November 19, 2020, 8-9 PM:Jim Eve, Gary Seigel, Greg Correll
Thursday December 10, 2020, 8-9 PM: Matt Spireng, Joann Deiucidibus
To participate, write to