The New Normal at Green Kill
How Green Kill will move forward safely in this time of global pandemic concerns.

Ecamm Live will help Green Kill publish live performances.
Major Announcement from Green Kill
Note that below the announcement is the “Green Kill Operating Plan for 2020 and Beyond.”
Green kill is now set up for professional live streaming to one or more on-line destinations simultaneously.
Live streaming at Green Kill has these capabilities:
Three professional cameras. One camera will capture the whole stage and the and the wing cameras move around the space to capture unique shots.
A new mixing board permits us to record up to 16 channels while it also sends audio to the live stream which syncs with the camera video.
Black Magic Web Presenter makes it all possible.
ATEM Mini switcher permints effects and switching between the three cameras which send the current camera image the the Web Presenter which combines the sound from the mixing board.
With our new presentation application, Ecamm Live, Green Kill can create overlays for branding. The live performance can be mixed with recorded video presentations. We can insert ads for local businesses or artist profiles during set up times or interruptions. We can overlay comments in real time from viewers. Remote guests from other venues can be added to a program using Skype. Performances are recorded. We recently upgraded to Ecamm Pro which permits us to monitor sound from the mixing board in real time.
Eventbrite will be used to sell contrubution tickets for live streaming events.
Green Kill has a 16 x 7 foot stage with curtains surrounding three sides. The stage is lit with eleven wirelessly controlled, ceiling mounted Chauvet LED par cans. We have mics, microphone stands. The speakers are ceiling mounted, and, for performers, we have two stage monitors. It’s a beautiful environment for web presentation.
There is no charge for scheduling events. Peformers will share revenue and so it’s in their interest to help with outreach and promotion of events.
New Reality Safety Measures

Laser Thermometer takes temperature in one second just by pointing a person.

Deluxe Pulse Oximeter Blood Oxygen Level Monitor meaurs blood oxygen.
Green Kill is taking reasonable steps to reduce the possibility of viral transmission:
Green Kill is not offering live performances at this time. Artists are invited to live stream, a safe way to reach a broad audience.
Art openings which are held the first Saturday of most months, are open to 8 to 10 visitors at a time. Chairs are set up outside for the convenience of anyone waiting to enter the exhibition space.
Microphones are sanatized between performers at live streaming events.
Social distancing is observed to the extent possible.
Everyone visiting Green Kill are required to wear masks and have their temperature taken.
We will have a laser thermometer and will be taking temperatures at the door. It’s not conclusive, but fever is a potential indicator.
We have added to are screening a Deluxe Pulse Oximeter Blood Oxygen Level Monitor. This pulse oximeter is engineered to give you fast measurements of the oxygen saturation of your blood (SpO2). Like the thermometer it’s not conclusive, but a blood oxygen level below 95 percent is a potential indicator.
In addition, Green Kill is equipped with a heat pump which filters air in the space and replaces it with air from outside.
Green Kill is regularly sanitized and equipment can be sanitized during performances.
All food will be covered with protective plastic.
Green Kill Operating Plan for 2020 and Beyond
Because of the new normal, Green Kill’s mission has been modified.
Artists Make it Happen
Green Kill remains a peer to peer space. It is a space for visual and performing arts. All events are organized through a peer to peer process— artists organizing with artists. The participation of each artist contributes to the aggregate benefits and opportunities for all the artists who use Green Kill. Please visit here and here if you would like to see how peer to peer can bring a space alive.
New Normal Performance Arrangements
Please keep in mind all future recurring events at Green Kill will be announced separately.
Green Kill is now exhibition space and performance “production space.” We are concentrating on quality live streaming shows, which will be coupled with live audience attendance as permitted by state protocols with full attention to health and well being.
Green Kill is retooled for the purpose of supporting high quality production and recording of events for streaming on the web to multiple online outlets. As mentioned, audiences will be able to attend performances through the use of state protocols for groups in an interior space. Two high quality cameras and professional sound equipment will deliver the live performance to Ecamm Live interface which streams to a number of web platforms and has built-in recording for production and redistribution of content. Our Behringer mixing board can also send 16 audio separate channels of audio to a computer for audio production, which opens up the possibility of producing performance related products.
New Normal Art Openings
Monthly exhibitions and openings will continue with the understanding that opening parties will conform to state protocols—limited numbers in the space at one time, the use face masks, and care in handling of food and beverages.
Future of Green Kill Programing.
Events include poetry readings, music performance, story-telling, theater, and blog format talk shows. There will also be film nights which will conform to the same state protocols.
New Web Site is our new home.
The Green Kill web site has been changed from to, a newsletter site, better to catalogue activities in a a nicer way.
Artists who participate in Green Kill are welcome to have profile pages for themselves which can be updated or modified over time. Besides artist profiles the new site includes a complete history of Green Kill Events, and, soon to come, will be an alphabetical listing of artists who have participated in Green Kill with links to their web sites if available, a Year-Round Collection page, routine event announcements, and Art exhibition and performance pages for each future participating artist.
Green Kill will be exploring pay-to-reserve product model. More will be announced.
Financial Support
Green Kill cannot operate without money:
While artists perform for free, they are encouraged to use their networks to build in-house and on-line audiences. Green Kill depends on artist support and if artists want to make money at Green Kill they must make a strong outreach effort.
The Eventbrite live-streaming ticket system will be used for online events. A contribution, large or small will be required to gain access to the events. Performers will receive a portion of those sales based on a split of total sales minus a small fee that must be paid to ASCAP.
Green Kill will charge 10 dollars for most audience based performance events. Artist will receive a portion of those sales based on a split of total sales minus a small fee that must be paid to ASCAP.
A request of 1-5 dollars will be suggested for poetry open mic events. Hosts and featured Artists receive a portion of those sales based on split of total donations is a free and paid subscription site. All revenue goes toward operating expenses.'
Artists will be 20 dollars to participated in exhibition or 60 dollars for solo shows, a fee which covers costs for paint and repair and supplies. Sales of art are after taxed or divided with 60 percent for the selling artist and 40 percent which goes toward Green Kill operating expenses.
Fractured Atlas is Green Kill’s fiscal sponsor.
Green Kill is affiliated with Fractured Atlas. You may make tax deductible donations at Green Kill is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non‐profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Green Kill must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” and are tax‐deductible to the extent permitted by law. You will receive a receipt from Fractured Atlas. All revenue goes toward operating expenses.
Green Kill is proactively seeking foundation grants to underwrite major annual costs and, with overwhelming support from artists, that will happen.
How to Get Involved
If you are a dancer, writer, filmmaker, poet, visual artists or performer and wish to participate or recommend another artist for participation in events at Green Kill, please write to
Thanks for your attention. Hoping for your support.